Hanging Basket Kits

Buying hanging basket kit is an easy and economical way to get hanging baskets.

In kit form the postage is very economical, if the baskets were made up the postage
value is more than the cost of the basket and sometimes the liner combined.

I have been making these hanging baskets for quite a long time, selling them at the local markets,
eg Eumundi and Caboolture, in south east Qld. When I became too busy to go to the markets,
I discovered leaving them in the deconstructed mode was the best way to transport them.
And most people can work out how to put them together.

They take me approximately 10 minutes to put together, others find it takes them 1/2hour and others need a friend.


You need







a pair of pliers, maybe a screwdriver – if you make a mistake
And a pair of gardening gloves is handy – the pliers can pinch – ouch!!

Ohh, and plenty of space to spread the parts out.

The parts

The base –

8 x fig 8 loop for 25cm, 30cm and 35cm diameter baskets



12 x fig 8 loop for 40cm and 50cm diameter baskets

16 x fig 8 loop for 60cm diameter baskets



And the 75cm diameter basket has a 16 x zigzag base.


The sides….
These come in 4 sizes,
Small –  for 25cm baskets,
Medium – for 30cm and 40cm baskets
Large – for 35cm, 50cm and 60cm baskets
Extra Large – for 75cm baskets.

The Hangers….
3 sizes
Small – used for 25cm, 30cm and 35cm baskets
Large – for 40cm, 50cm and 60cm baskets,
Extra large – for 75cm baskets (not shown in photo)

The hooks….
Small – 1 for 25cm,30cm and 35cm baskets
Medium – 2 for 40cm,50cm, 60cm and 75cm baskets

And that’s all the parts